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Is Your Business Backend a Strength or a Setback?

Recently, I took my very first hot air balloon ride. For anyone who hasn't experienced this, I'd say, go ahead and pencil it in on your bucket list right away. Even as someone with a fear of heights, the experience is something I can barely put into words. The serenity and peace I felt high above the ground is indescribable.

High above ground level, I was able to see properties in their entirety. All the homes had beautifully manicured front yards, some with nice vehicles parked in the driveway, BUT the backyards were a completely different picture. I’ve got receipts…lol. For others the front yard was a façade masking a whole mess that resembled a junk yard.

For some the view from the front was a true representation of their entire property with manicured lawns, built in firepits, and luxurious pools.

For others the front yard was a façade masking a whole mess that resembled a junk yard.

Of course, as the System Solutionist, it made me think about how many CEOs have a “BOSS” business until you look into their backend.

Are you faking the funk?

Here are some telling signs that all might not be well behind the scenes:

  • Late client deliveries

  • Repeating the same manual task over 3 times a day → Manually

  • Excessive time spent on emails

  • Sending emails one by one, to one person at a time

  • Concerns about not safeguarding your intellectual property adequately

  • Dipping client conversion and retention rates

  • Longer working hours without a sense of achievement

... and unfortunately, the list goes on.

The Real Issue: System and Process Deficiency

The common denominator for all these symptoms is a lack of adequate processes and systems to support your business’ growth. Here's a motto I swear by: GROWTH REQUIRES NEW SOLUTIONS!

If you resonate with the issues above, it indicates you've outgrown your current business operations! It's a cue to redefine your strategies for consistent business expansion. You need to adopt new ways to achieve and exceed the revenues, profits, and growth you had when you were just getting started. It’s actually a really good thing, a GREAT thing but it requires a new mindset and an acceptance of the tradeoff.

Real Life Case Study

I have a cousin who I’ll call Kim for the sake of privacy (and to avoid uncomfortable family get-togethers)… Kim had 2 children and limited income so for years she was able to claim the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and receive a tax refund of $5-8k per year. She was very happy with this annual cash influx and looked forward to getting it. She planned to pay off debt and make large purchases around it each year.

Fast forward 5 or 6 years, Kim went back to school and earned her LPN. She was able to get a better job and go from approximately $28,000 to $50,000 wages per year. As a result, she was no longer eligible for the EITC. Needless to say, she was angry and just wanted her annual rainfall. I explained to her that not qualifying for the EITC was a good thing because she was making more money all year round and wasn’t as limited financially.

It took several conversations with her and one with my uncle to get her to begin to see this. Learning to plan and budget her checks for her monthly expenses and financial goals was not something she had ever done. It was a new skill she had to apply and develop to manage her household now that her new income did not include a high four-figure income tax refund.

She had grown and needed a new solution to do what she wanted for her and her children.

Today at nearly $90k per year, she gets it.

Scaling Your Business: Embrace the Change

Just like Kim, as your business expands, so should your approach. Handling one client versus multiple clients demands specific strategies. However, with some fine-tuning and adaptation of new habits, it's definitely possible to establish systems that support your current operations and also set the stage for future growth.

You are growing. Your client numbers are growing. Your revenues are growing. Your profits are growing.

Therefore, how you operate must grow and change.

If you do not, you will not make the progress you need to. Essentially, you will stunt your own growth.

Strengthen Your Backend Today

If you're aiming to:

→ Enhance client satisfaction

→ Boost productivity and service quality

→ Augment revenues

→ Save precious time

→ Optimize profits

Then don't wait! Visit and apply for a complimentary 30-minute strategy session. Discover how The BAG can guide you to secure your business success TODAY!

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