Today is the 10th day of 2024.
23% of people quit their New Year’s resolutions by January 8th.
43% of people quit their New Year's resolutions by the end of January.
80% begin to lose their resolve and lose motivation by the second Friday in January.

There are 5 reasons why people quit their new year, new you journey not long into the new year.
They give up at the 1st sign of resistance or the 1st speed bump.
They set goals that are too big for their mindset.
They are in it all alone.
They are crowd followers.
They are trying to do too much.
As CEOs, giving up happens most when you are doing too much and feel like you aren’t getting anything done. You’re OVERWHELMED, FRUSTRATED, & TIRED OF BEING TIRED.
We have all had our own Quitter’s Day, but this time around I tried something new. Instead of starting new habits on January 1, I started some in October, others in November and a few in December.

As I prepared to attend a vision board party earlier this week, I was able to look back at what I had accomplished during the momentum I created at the end of 2023 and make some tweaks to keep it going.
You have two days until annual Quitter’s Day, so there’s time to flip the script so you can SOAR IN 2024.
1.     Expect obstacles and prepare for them the very same way many of us prepare for dealing with objections. Create new habits to expand your success and do your research to know what could work to deter your from your next best successes.
2.    Party like it’s 1999. Break those big goals into mini goals and celebrate each milestone you reach. I remember when I started college. My Daddy said don’t think about 4 years, break it into quarters or semesters and celebrate every time to complete one. Instead of one big goal, I had 16 mini goals.
3.    The buddy plan works! Get yourself at least 2 accountability partners and 2 cheerleaders. It’s harder to quit when you feel motivated and have someone to talk to about your day-to-day. I have a couple biz besties that can lift me up, walk beside me or get me all the way together when I stray off my path.
4.    Look at what YOU need to change and create new habits around those things. Don’t get caught up in what’s popular or trending. When you take the time to create goals that are personal and have meaning for you, you are more likely to follow through and accomplish what you set out to do.
As you examine what you do as the CEO of your business, create the following lists:
Things you don’t like to do
Things you take you more time than you like to do
Things you feel you should not be doing anymore
Things you do well but don’t generate income (for me this is Canva graphics…I love to do it but I shouldn’t be spending my time as a CEO doing it on a day-to-day basis 😊)
Having these lists at your finger tips is very helpful in ensuring you are not doing too much…
5.    Share the load to simplify your days and shift from working IN and FOR your business to RUNNING your business. Most CEOs are doing entirely too much and putting out fires instead of operating in their highest zone of genius. Even solopreneurs can find an easier and better way to do many of the tasks needed to run your business.
As the System Solutionist, #5 is my absolute fave on this list of things you can do to ensure you reach the goals you set for 2024. I love helping my clients shift from Chief EVERYTHING Officers to Visionary Chief EXECUTIVE Officers so that they can maximize profits, reclaim their time, and generate new streams of income.
I would like to volunteer to be added to your accountability team and extend an invitation to you to join The BAG’s Facebook group 7-Figure Systems for the Visionary CEO. We have great events and share tips & tools that will help you scale to 7 and 8-figure businesses.

Just last night I shared 5 steps you can take to grow your email list so you can reach your ideal client in droves. Over the rest of the month, we will be holding the following events to help you grow your revenues exponentially:
·      January 10 – 14 ~ How to Create & Deliver Your Lead Magnet in 5 Days
·      January 15 – 19 ~ The Scaling CEO Doesn't Say I'm Overwhelmed
·      January 29 – February 1 ~ TBA…
Click here to join 7-Figure Systems for the Visionary CEO.